N's thoughts

My Projects

My projects



Some clojurescript modules to enrich the html files generated by org-mode. Click here for a short explanation. Or just visit repo: NM / org-html-cljs-fns · GitLab.

Simple todo list in clojure/clojurescrip and bulma

A very simple todo-list, with which I used to learn a lot about clojure and clojurescript (I build open an example found here). A lot of stuff I would write differently now. For an example go to: herokuapp - n-app-list. Repo: Nikki / n-app-lists · GitLab.

A fork of a firefox add-on "yank"

I forked a firefox web-extension (add-on) made with clojurescript: roosta/yank: Firefox extension that yank URL and title. The add-on binds a key (default: C-y) to insert to clipboard (essentially, "copy") the url and title of current web-page. My additions were to make it possible to copy url and title of all tabs of current window (not only the one current tab) or even all windows. This is all optional, of course. The fork can be found here: n-yank · GitLab.

Date: 2019-06-15 Sat 00:00

Author: nm

Created: 2021-03-10 Wed 13:25
